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Hello, I had my takedown surgery in April, so only a couple of months out! My husband and I would like to have one more baby, in the future. I forgot to ask my surgeon at my last post-up, if he thought I could get pregnant. I guess my question is, is it possible to get pregnant with out any help? Also, when is a good time to start trying after having the jpouch surgery?
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Hi BrittanyKay,
I was told to wait at least a year before trying to fall pregnant again. Your body needs time to adjust to everything and heal properly. We ended up waiting 2 years until i had the courage to get pregnant again.
And i was told that women who've had what we've had have a 50% chance of falling pregnant within a year.
I got my implanon removed in Nov '07' and we were pregnant by the Mar '08'. And we're probably going to try again soon for number 3,so we'll see how that goes Wink
Good luck with it all.
My Surgeron suggested to wait six months so I did, but it still took me a good two years to get prego with my second. and then it took a yr and half to get prego with my third daughter. My first daughter was born prior to my surgery. So I think it is possible, just may take time due to scar tissue. Oh and I only have one overy too. So you just might need a little help and prayer but it can happen. My surgeron also suggested to have a c-section so there was no more added stress back there
I was told any abdominal surgery can affect your ability to get pregnant or not. Some women find it easier, some harder to get pregnant after surgery.

I got pregnant after trying for 5 months. I discussed the c-section before the birth with my OB-GYN and we decided it was the best decision for me. Everything was working well with my muscles and I didn't want to put any additional strain on them. Turns out my daughter was 9 pounds 6 ounces with a big head! I made a good decision. Smiler
Best wishes to you.
It is definitely possible! I was very worried about not being able to get pregant after surgery. I had suffered with UC for 10 years and been on so many meds then having the 3 surgeries and having a lot of troubles with those I was for sure it would never happen. It took my husband and I a little over a year to get pregnant but we did it on our own and actually had just quit "trying" when it did happen.

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