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Sue is right..most of us are med failures. I was on remicade for about 8 months which included 8 infusions. After the loading dose I was in remission completely and tapered off prednisone. I had great quality of life at this time. I was very active and social. Remicade was my miracle drug until its effectiveness began to wear off which put my infusions closer together at the higher dose but it just stopped working. The Dr's added back prednisone with azathioprine but I was refractory. There was some discussion of Humira but the UC spiraled too fast leading me to the hospital and surgery. Unfortunately I don't think remicade lasts forever but there are other biologics out there.
Thank you for your input.I was afraid that the Remicade was futile as it surely hasn't helped yet.
The Prednisone works but as he is weaned the urgency and frequency returns.Plus prednisone is so damaging.
My heart goes out to all of you that this is such a difficult condition to treat.
His dr's keep saying if he has the ileo he will be better off but his surgeon who did the 2 surgeries feels he will still have the frequent filling of the bag????
Problem being is that they do not know what he has.He has been consistently tested but they are saying unknown IBS and that there are many IBS that are not even identified.
So you feel that Humira will not help either? Thanks
I presume you mean IBD, since they don't give Rmicade for IBS. Failure of one biologic does not mean he will fail all biologics, but he certainly cannot stay on prednisone indefinitely. The longer he is on it, the greater he risk of serious, irreversible, long term complications. Each other drug, biologic or immune modulator, can take up to 3 months before being fully effective.

He can have the colectomy, retain his rectum for future j-pouch surgery, and get more time to figure out the diagnosis.

But, I am also confused as to whether he has had surgery yet or not, as the posts are conflicting.

Jan Smiler
Sorry for the confusion,yes,IBD and yes he had his colon removed in March 2010 for what they thought was UC and his jpouch in May 2010 and has been on antibiotics,prednisone(on and off)Budesonide,Asacol and some I can't remember.
He is now on 6MP,just reupped to 20 mg prednisone and the Remicade.
Thanks Marianne,I hope the Humira may work also and there was a point last year that they thought he had Crohn's but now I think they just don't know what he has.
I feel that maybe docs should advise this website to patients when they are advising patients to go with the j pouch.
We were only told that he would go about 7 times per day which is really great next to 17+!
If he hasn't seen any results after 5 remicade infusions I would think its time to move on to Humira. If his colon is all ready out and he's still very symptomatic while being on meds he may have Chrons. Has he been tested for celiacs? Have you experimented with diet? Probiotics? Has his pouch been scoped and biopsied recently? I would push for some answers with the Dr's. I wish you luck in finding the right treatment for his symptoms.
Hi Sandra,

I had UC and Remicade failed. I had the surgery 5 years ago and then last winter I was diagnosed with Crohns. I didn't want to really try the Remicade again, but I did. Once again it failed. BUT, I started the Humira and it has been a godsend! It is much easier (as it is a home injection, not a hospital infusion), has far fewer side effects for me, and has given me my life back.

I was wary because I thought that since I failed with Remicade, I would fail with all biologics. Not The Case!

Five infusions is long enough. Get him switched the the Humira and see how it does. It is a totally different protein (human vs. mouse for Remicade).

He is just wasting more of his life being sick and not responding to Remicade. Have him talk to his GI soon. If I had known this biological (Humira) would have helped this much, I would have run to the doctor!!

I am holding out massive hope for him!!!

If he's had 5 infusions, then he should have been on it for several months now, which means it's clearly not working. It sounds to me like they're just throwing whatever medications that seem somewhat relevant at him. I'm thinking you might want to get him to a better hospital or j-pouch specialist. And you didn't mention anything about immodium or lomotil, but either or both of those together would be worth a try I think.

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