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My pouch surgery (step 3) is two and half week ago. Most things are going really well. But I have a lot problems with butt burn. Now I use Lidocaine, Sudo creme and Bepanthene. But it doesn't work enough. What would you advise me?

Now I have about 8 stools a day, is that a lot or normal?

Thanks for answering all!
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What are you eating and drinking? For me, butt burn is directly related to a particular food or drink. Especially at first! Cutting back to a very bland diet and adding one new food at a time to see how that passes through before making it a constant in your diet might help. Keeping a food diary while going through this trial and error period will help. Eventually, what is a problem now should not be so. It all takes time. Best wishes.
I suffered from severe butt burn when I first had my j-pouch 15 years ago, and the best remedy is by simply giving your butt a warm, thorough rinsing in the shower. You obviously need a detachable shower head to do this, but it has served me well all this time.

The only problem with this method is that you can't use it away from home (school / work), and in that case you will have to go with the earlier suggestions of utilizing cream / diet / immodium / wipes etc. But from my experience, none of those methods are effective if your butt burn is severe.
I too struggle with butt burn. I am over 3 months post take down from a pouch re-do. When things are really bad down there I jump in a warm tub right after a burning bowel movement and while in there I apply noxzema. It stings at first but then immediately puts out the fire. Someone on this site actually recommended it and I was desperate so I started using it. When the butt burn is really bad I sometimes jump in the tub 3 or 4 times a day. I don't add a lot of water and at times am only in there a few mins but it really puts out the fire. I haven't really figured out yet this new plumbing.....
Bidet is good, a plastic sitz bath that fits on the toilet filled with very warm water can quench the fire nicely, dry well follow with A&D or calmaseptine. This saves having to get in the bath tub. For most people the burn eases and disappears after a while, others deal with some degree of burn forever. When I am out I use a folding plastic water bottle (REI) and fill with warm water. I had a travel bidet but it is too cumbersome.
I'm about 6 weeks out from takedown, and like others said, I have found that what I eat really affects how my butt feels later- if I'm going to eat something that I know or suspect will make things "watery", I try to eat a piece of bread or something else that thickens things beforehand. Also, I don't have a bidet, but I use a spray bottle to clean my butt after I go, then very soft baby wipes (I found some hypoallergenic ones that don't sting as much when the burn is bad- I think they're from CVS.) Then, Calmoseptine!

Also, going 8 times a day only 2 1/2 weeks out is great! I was about the same at that point, and my surgeon said that I was doing very well for so early on.
Ok i have had this jpouch almost 19 years. The only way I found to completely eliminate but burn is to wipe gently and then rinse your but really good with water. I will jump right up on the sink,turn on the water and use my hand to direct the water to the right area. I have no shame lol! It sure beats walking around with your but on fire! Good luck
I had my takedown April 18th and I have found that a bidet is the way to go. When at work and I go alot I make sure I use baby wipes and tucks wipes, then go home and rinse really well. It is really important to get all the output off your skin for sure. So if no bidet like the others say rinse off really well. I use prep h ointment and it really helps me alot. I can't use the menthal based ointment it seems to add to the discomfort. I hope everyone here gets better with each passing day.
also my doc said I could take up to 8 imodium a day. I have just gotten a prescription for lomital to help slow things down, but you can either take one or the other not both.
I am day 2 post take down and am on my first full day of food, there fore my first full day of bowl movements. they didn't start off to bad but have since been pretty intense. it seems to come as a wave. it really wipes me out. The burning that is. It burns on the inside more then the outside. Tried a&d and I will be switching to butt paste tomorrow as I think something thicker would be better. the a&d is almost like vasaline. I just wish there was a pill I could take to help cut down the acid, I think that's what the problem is
I am a year and a half post takedown. I suffered through so much butt burn and tried everything imaginable. The thing that I finally found is Critic-Aid Clear its a clear moisture barrier ointment used for incontinence by Coloplast. Its a little more expensive then nomal ointments but worth it. I had sores around by anus for over a year, i put this one it heals with in the week. Very glad finally could sit without hurting. Also I would sit in a warm or hot bathtub with Aveeno bath treatment to help heal. I hope this helps for others because now if i get butt burn this works right away.
Thanks all!

The burning is almost gone!! I wipe with wet toiletpaper (with aloe vera), shower twice a day, use sudocreme and drink questran powder (Candy, that's the pill you need!)

In Europe we don't have Calmoseptine, also most of the other cremes you wrote we don't have.

The only problem now is that I have about 3 stools at night. I take Loperamide, but it doesn't work enough. Also it makes me feel obstipated. Is there something else I can do?
Hi Sarah84
I was told by my Surgeon to take Metamucil along with also taking some lomotil. Be sure to take the metamucil with lots of water. I find usually if I have problems with diahrea that metamucil helps really quickly. Often I mix just one teaspoon with 16 oz. of water and that does the trick. Hope it helps you too! I no longer need lomotil or imodeum - the metamucil does the trick.

I use a travel bidet to control butt burn, and it has helped 100%. I bought it before my reversal surgery after reading on this site about butt burn. It's a purple coloured plastic bottle with special angled nozzle. It's cheapest to buy from or depending where you live. It's approximately $14 and if you buy other things that you might need such as barrier cream or baby wipes, you can have the whole lot sent free delivery. I could not have survived the butt burn without this plastic bottle. Whoever invented or designed it deserves the Nobel Prize for Humanity. 

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