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Hey everyone,

I am probably starting Humira within the next month or so after I get approved an I had a few questions while doing my research.

1.) Does Humira actually help slow bone damage with arthritis and prevent pouchitis/inflammation/help close or heal fistulas? Or does it just mask all of the inflammation in our body?

2.) Are there long term negative effects of using Humira?

3.) Is it a drug you can hop on and off of? What happens if you get sick with a cold? Do you stop taking the shot until it clears up?

Any more info would be gladly accepted!
Original Post
They didn't used to think so, but the newer evidence indicates that it may stop or slow progression of inflammatory arthritis. It has been shown to help heal fistulas and keep Crohn's in remission. It does not mask the inflammation, but blocks it from occurring. It is not as indiscriminate as prednisone and does not damage the other organs like prednisone.

But, there may be long term negative effects. Not a given, but it can happen. The main ones, I am sure you are aware of, bone marrow suppression, liver inflammation, a possible increase in cancer risk (this is turning out to be less of an issue according to newer studies). Possible risk of infection.

Generally, you do not hop on and off of it. You do not stop it for a cold, but you would if you had a major infection, like pneumonia.

When I had surgery, I just skipped a couple of weeks. I probably didn't need to. My surgeon did not know one way or the other, and neither did my rheumy. So, I figured I would just stop for a short while, just in case.

I have been on one biologic or another for 7 years. No problems for me. The positive? My inflammatory markers are now near the normal range, I seldom need to walk with a cane, and my energy level is great.

Jan Smiler

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