I just had step 1 of 2 surgery done to remove colon and create J pouch on June 8. I just went for my follow up appt today and found out that they found endometriosis and it involved the wall and serosa of the intestine. My C/R surgeon wants me to see a GYN to figure out what they will want to do before the step 2 surgery in August. That way he'll know ahead of time if he needs to adjust the surgery so they can also do something if needed. This scares me! I don't want a hysterectomy! But I'm also scared it we leave the endometriosis that it will affect my new J pouch. Does anybody have experience with this? I wasn't even aware anything was going on with my uterus health until this - no symptoms. Has anybody had success with hormonal therapies or uterine ablation? Any advice? I'm scared this is going to screw up my chances for a successful J pouch and I'll end up on a permanent ostomy.
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