I am Marie. In 2006 I had surgery to remove my whole colon then went back for them to connect to my jpouch. All due to ulcerative colitus. From about 6 months out I had to be put on antiobiotics. Mostley Cipro which I am still on to this day due to pouchitus. In these years I have had I believe 2 blockages but except for the pouchitus I have been doing just okay. I have been seeing my GI doctor in reference to the chronic pouchitus and a stomach ulcer(no bleed just occasional flares of pain mostley when I have to go on Flagyl.) He suggest I go in last Wednesday (June 27) and have an EDG and a flex sig. I went in to the surgery center and had that done. He said nothing looked real bad just some irritation and the ulcer is in my stomach opening so he said he stretched the stomach some. I had not eaten so on the way home I ate a piece of chicken and a piece of pie. I did not feel well then. Mostley just bloated. I got home expecting to do like I normally do, take a nap and later go to bed. That did not happen. I started hurting in my gut then few hours later started vomiting and I vomited until there was nothing but bile and then I continued to vomit bile. My husband called the GI nurse and she advised to just keep hydrated. I had nausia meds. The next morning was the same way so we called the office again. They called in nausia meds and again hydrate. I kept vomiting all day then late that afternoon I told my husband I could not take anymore. When I stood I could barely stand and was seeing spots. We went to the emergency room in my local town as per my GI's nurses advice. They started me on fluids and admitted me. The next day they did a CT scan. The hospital surgeon came in and told me I needed a foley and a NG tube then he came back to talk to us. The scan showed an enlarged small intestine and stomach, fluid in my abdomine,and fluid around my liver. He suggested I transfer to Dothan where my GI is. He said he would not attempt to touch it due to the jpouch and his lack of knowledge with it. Which I was glad he was honest with me. They transfered me to Dothan. I was in Dothan for 4 days 1 night. Needless to say extremely sick at this point. On Monday things finally started moving and I am back home doing better. My main question is "What the heck happened." My GI doctor only said "He is sorry it happened to me" and "He is not real sure what happened except an obstruction". This is my thoughts. Why did it block and why was the fluid in my abdomine? My doctor in my hometown said probably a tare? I love my GI doctor but I think he dropped the ball a little this time. Please any advise,opinions or anything is so greatly appreciated. Thanks Marie