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Dog day how miserable you must be - it's sad really. I'm sorry this has been so difficult for you and you feel the need to attack people. Whatever - in the meantime it seems that the J-pouch ranges from awesome to awful. Aside from not taking care of the j-pouch and all that goes with it, it seems that there is no rhyme or reason why one person over another has an easier time. It's sucky, but it seems that generally speaking those who are having a difficult time try to make the best of it.
Well, I hate to be the dark cloud in a room full for sunsihne and rainbows... but I've never once loved mine, and still don't. After 12 years of dealing with all the usual things you expect, I can honestly say I'm not a lover. I see so many people on here happy with theirs and I'm so extremly happy for them and I'm glad they're here to give others a positive outlook on the future. It helped me through the years just knowing that maybe one day it is possible?

I've tried it all, and more, and all again. Mine is just the way it is and I deal. This is it's normal function, so like anything else you get ues to it.. BUT it doesn't mean I have to like it. It's better than a bag for 37657348 reasons for me, but it's not my best friend lol. And yes, it's better than that horrible thing I called a colon.

I'm sure as time goes on you'll learn what workd for you and you'll end up loving yours like most do. If you read on here, more people love thiers than don't, so thake that as a really positive thing =) And please, don't take my story as the only possible outcome for you. Majority rules, and a jpouch is a good thing for the majority! So hang in there and take it week by week. Pretty soon you'll wake up and be like "man, this is awesome, I can't believe how much has changed in a few months, I love this thing!" Good luck, love!
I do not totaly love my pouch but it is better than being ill and steroid dependent. I think Toughenough hit the nail on the head for me - my expectations of my pouch and myself were way too high. I still have some issues but I have stopped feeling so cross about them and given myself permission to slow down. I do find I am coping better now although I also agree that perhaps just the passage of time is helpng?
FQ- I think my biggest improvements from month three to five were less burning, more control, less anxiety and I think about the pouch less because my scarring is improving more and more with time internally and externally so I don't feel the scars as much or notice them as much which makes me think about things less Wink. I am starting to like this surgery more and more as time goes but it's an adjustment that takes getting used to. Just remind yourself of the positives as much as possible. No more rotten colon that spits out unpredictable flares at you and no more medication that has horrible side effects(both short term and long term). Also no more risk of colon cancer!

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