HELP!!! My new pouch hates me, and it's not even been 4 weeks yet! I'm finally home from the hospital, but not sure if I should have stayed a little longer. I'm having major issues with abdominal pain and gas! I just started intibating myself 2 days ago (happy to be rid of the drainage bag!), I've been bleeding a lot, but my stoma nurse said that's normal, so why do I still have so much abdominal pain? Next Tuesday marks 4 weeks post op, you'd think the pain would be gone by now. It feels so weird the first few times, but in two days I've intubated 10 times, with little or no problems. My major problem is gas. A few minutes after emptying the pouch I get killer cramps, yet, I go to empty it, and no gas will come out, it's very painful, and really frustrating! Anyone else have these problems? If so, how did you deal with it? It's driving me nuts. I've been taking Percocet every 4 hours but it doesn't even touch the pain. Am I expecting too much to fast? I had hoped by this point I'd be well on my way, not still having pain. The one bright spot is Dr Cohen did an amazing job, intibating is a breeze, with no problems at all, it's still weird to me to see a tube sticking out of my side. Anyways, just needed to vent a little, thanks for listening, and by the way, how long did it take for you to fully recover?
Eric aka J2K