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Hi guys,

HELP!!! My new pouch hates me, and it's not even been 4 weeks yet! I'm finally home from the hospital, but not sure if I should have stayed a little longer. I'm having major issues with abdominal pain and gas! I just started intibating myself 2 days ago (happy to be rid of the drainage bag!), I've been bleeding a lot, but my stoma nurse said that's normal, so why do I still have so much abdominal pain? Next Tuesday marks 4 weeks post op, you'd think the pain would be gone by now. It feels so weird the first few times, but in two days I've intubated 10 times, with little or no problems. My major problem is gas. A few minutes after emptying the pouch I get killer cramps, yet, I go to empty it, and no gas will come out, it's very painful, and really frustrating! Anyone else have these problems? If so, how did you deal with it? It's driving me nuts. I've been taking Percocet every 4 hours but it doesn't even touch the pain. Am I expecting too much to fast? I had hoped by this point I'd be well on my way, not still having pain. The one bright spot is Dr Cohen did an amazing job, intibating is a breeze, with no problems at all, it's still weird to me to see a tube sticking out of my side. Anyways, just needed to vent a little, thanks for listening, and by the way, how long did it take for you to fully recover?


Eric aka J2K Eeker
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Oh you are early! I had extreme pain around this mark. I was off that pain pump I guess so it made it worse when home. I remember when I had to hold it over night I was in such bad pain I had to crawl to the toilet. I replied to one of your posts before. Some people just have more pain and that pouch hurts as it grows. I was on heavy narcotics for 2 months post op. I was taking 80mg a day of Oxy then went down to about 10-20 for the 3rd month post op.

I had extreme gas in the hospital to the point I wanted to rip my guts out right in the hospital bed. nobody could figure out why my gas was so bad. Anyway. I still have very bad cramping and gas if I am off antibiotics. You might have pouchitis as well or what I have, bacteria overgrowth. Cipro and Flagyl help me get through the days.

I am 7 1/2 months out and I went back to the gym 2 months post op so not sure when I recovered. I was on vacation in NYC 3 months post op and then again 4 months post op there and did just fine. I am the same way. I always think I need to be better faster with every surgery I have it is a reminder.

We are all different. A guy next door to me looked like he never had surgery and was off pain killers before he left the hospital and he had his colon removed at the same time like me. Pissed me off! lol

Ask about taking Bentyl. I was at the end of my rope, almost asked them to take my pouch out and they prescribed that magic blue pill for gas. Made my life 100 times better. Now I only take it when I HAVE to.
Last edited by vanessavy
Eric: I have been one of the very lucky ones, no real problems for 36 years. I just had a procedure done as I had scarring and my opening to my pouch had gotten too small. The procedure went well but I WAS FULL OF AIR/GAS. The problem was that it was not in my system, but just inside my body. My son recently had hernia surgery and they pump you full of gas/air to do the surgery. It was painful for him and I got a huge dose of it in my procedure. It hurt like hell and I was always bloated. It was not something I could fart, release out through my pouch, as it surrounded my organs. My doctor said it is something you absorb slowly and then release out. It is very painful and you do feel like you have to empty your pouch more than is really necessary. If your situation is similiar to mine it will take time to get it out. With the exception of this one problem I have been very lucky and have led a very active and wonderful life. I wish you the very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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