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Hi, all. I had my takedown done about 7 weeks ago, after three previous surgeries. Things have been going really well, I've been able to slowly expand my diet with no problems so far, and my energy has been back up. However, the past several days, maybe longer (I can't remember when it started), I have been feeling a slight soreness in the area below where my stoma used to be. I hardly noticed at first, it was so slight. Yesterday, though, I noticed that the soreness really became noticable, sort of painful as well. The area that feels this way is definitely harder than the opposite side of my tummy is. I also noticed that my energy was not like it normally is, I'm just very tired. It's not a blockage, I don't think- I have no cramping pain, and have been going to the bathroom and passing gas just like normal. I think that it is scar tissue, or adhesions, that have been slowly forming. Does anyone have experience with this? I called my surgeon's office this afternoon, and the person I talked to said that that's probably what it is, but I could come in to see my doctor if I wanted. I have a post-op appointment in a couple of weeks, and it takes a couple of hours to get there, so I didn't make another appointment today. Oh, also, my temperature last night was 99.5, and this morning was 99.3. The office said that's not really a fever, but that I should contact them if it goes over 100. I knew that already, but thought I should tell them just in case... I actually think that could be due to slight dehydration- it's been so hot this week!

Aaanyway, I am hoping that this is not a problem or something I should be very worried about; what do you all think? Right now the area doesn't hurt, is just a little sore, especially when I push on it lightly. Last night I took Tylenol before bed, which seemed to help.
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We all have scar tissue, and it is normal. As long as you are not having severe pain, or food blockages due to scar tissue you're fine. However, please note that partial obstructions are bound to happen in the first year as you continue to heal, and that is normal too. It sounds like you are doing very well, I know too, that we sometimes get overly concerned when we notice something. All those years of dealing with UC has taught us to be watchful for new symptoms. Relax and take care of yourself and stay hydrated in the summer weather!

Sue Big Grin
Thank you so much for the reassuring words. I ended up emailing my surgeon last night when my temperature went up to 100.4, and I noticed that the area that was sore/tender was also a little swollen. I asked him if I should see a local doctor. He responded that he is concerned I might have an infection behind the incision where the stoma was (I forgot to mention yesterday that after that incision had closed after takedown, it opened up again a week or so later, and just recently closed up again.) He got me started on an antibiotic immediately, and wants to see me Monday. I went to work today, because my fever was gone and the swelling/soreness was down when I woke up, but by the end of the day I was feeling really lousy, and the pain was coming back. Thankfully I am off work now until Friday... I am trying to think positively that this won't be a huge ordeal to get me back on the road to recovery.

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