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I have gotten used to calling my J-pouch my non-colon, since that's the easiest way to explain it to people since when I say "pouch" they assume I have an ileostomy. Anyone else experience that? So annoying.
Anyway I feel like things get pretty built up in there, and I don't know if everyone has this problem, my doctor said it's pretty typical--that I can't just pass gas anymore, there's always the risk of it being something more. So anyway I think the lack of ability to pass gas and blockages are keeping the bad things in there, making my stomach feel worse, most common reaction is nausea. Especially if I feel "constipated" by which I mean I swear-to-god there is something to push out, but it's just not coming. I know people do colon cleanses but I feel like I get stuffed up too, is there something I can do to just wash all the excess gunk outta there?
I mean I feel best when all my stool is out of me, but I spend so much time eating these days that I never really have time to empty out. Any pointers greatly appreciated!!!
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A diet that includes fruits and vegetables should keep things moving, but if you have a stricture, all that roughage CAN build up. Still, the sensation that you still need to empty can be deceiving, since that is common with cuffitis and pouchitis, even when you actually are empty.

So,if you've ruled out cuffitis and pouchitis, and either have a stricture or a sluggish gut, the first option is to drink fruit juices to keep your stool loose. If that doesn't work, then Miralax is safe to use regularly. Obviously, if you are taking things like Imodium or lomotil, you probably should not. Fiber supplements may also be contibruting to blockage.

Jan Smiler
Luke warm water enema? Or irrigation. Not sure what the correct term is for jpouches. I would think that could clean it out and easier on the system than a colon cleanse.

I clean my BCIR out with water almost daily (depends on how lazy I am) and it is an awesome feeling. Gets all the sludge and build up out. Only way I can describe it is like having high colonics done daily! lol

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