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Hey, i've since 2 weeks quit a half year of flagyl which made me feel totally ****ty (cold, flu-like, etc), so now i am trying out alcohol!

I've had like 2-3 beers the days i've tried it and i feel pretty darn tired the day after, are you also experiencing this? More tired than before you got the pouch, or is it like before, for you?

I have not noticed increased BM's, so that is a good sign.

I wonder since i'm gonna start 4 years of university in a month (Bachelor in nautical science, work as a mate on freight boats, yippie!!!), and i really want to take part in the every day life of the students and i guess you all know that means some alcohol every now and then.

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I am just talking from a non colon small intestine kind of girl since I am not a jpoucher. I rarely drink, maybe 3-4 times a year but what I have found out without a colon. I can't get drunk, I can drink anyone under a table now. I get a buzz then it goes away in 30 minutes. I have no hangovers or can tell I drank the day before. I am on Flagyl on and off, it says not to drink but I did some of my big drinking one night on it and did fine.
I use to really like happy hours. Since the surgeries I've tried to drink a few times. I'm sure there were times when I even self-medicated as well.

I've tried several different drinks that I use to like and don't like the taste. This has happened with food as well. Before the surgeries I could drink more than now as well. One or two drinks and I'm about passed out on the couch.

So Manual, if I were guessing I'd say you can't hold as much liquor as before your surgeries and should maybe drink less, possibly adding a glass of water in there every once in a while.

Most importantly, have a good time!
TE Marie
Ah College drinking days <3 ... If you don't have a high tolerence to begin with don't be a hero and try to keep up with the boys, this goes for anyone who isn't a big drinker going into college. If you haven't been steadily drinking, condition yourself, just like anyone else would have to, or you'll be face down in under 20 minutes with tampons in your nose and lord knows what else. If they start to give you crap for slowing down, just pretend. Ater 4 or 5 shots no one will even know you only have soda or cranberry juice in your cup. That's my little trick =)

Now to how it may impact you pouch wise, personally I drink my behind off. lol. I have no problems with any liquor regarding my pouch. I have problems with liquor regading it being liquor and making me sick as a dog because that's just what it does (the brown stuff makes me wish i were dead the next day). Beer is not good for me because the bubbles seem to get trapped and cause a lot of drama in there.

I DO notice however, that the 'drunk' doesn't stay with me as long as everyone else. I assume I start to sober up faster because of missing my large intestine, although I have no confirmation on this. If I pace myself right I can drink all day. Pace yourself, find what agrees with you best, and cheers!
I am just like you Ceecee I'm a cheap drunk. Once a week I have a lunch date after dance rehearsal,one or not often 2 bloody mary's and I feel a little looped. I have a cup of coffee and some desert and I'm almost perfect in the head. I do notice to my likeing I never have to go poop till way after dinner, it slows me up.
I'm already past my heavy drinking days, i used to drink heavily every weekend from 15 years to 20 years of age, so i'm not exactly new to it, i've already done it all times ten, ha ha...

I'm beginning to worry again. After i stopped the flagyl, i felt better in 4 days, and had a week that was better than before, and then i went out 2 days and had like 2 beers each night.

And now, maybe 2 weeks? Since stopping flagyl, i feel worse, i feel like having the cold again. Maybe it may just be a normal cold, but you know how we react to health problems...

I've had more watery stool and have not felt that good starting this friday. I feel as though i have an infection or something you know.
It may be pouchitis that's come back to haunt me, and that would say it may be antibiotics dependant! Yawn... i dont want no more trouble now with school worked out!
I love red wine and the brand I drink is a Chianit by Ruffino - Gold Label. Never a hang over because the wine usually costs me $32 a bottle. No cheap stuff for me. Cannot drink bear but I don't miss it either.

Love to go into NYC each year with my brother for my annual check up with Sloan Kettering when I had surgery in 2009. That was Renal Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer). Then its off to one of Lidia's restaurant called Felida. I always treat and the bottle of Chianti that was from Tuscany in Italy was called,

That came recomneded and was called Felsina Beradenga from 1995 and is $160 for the bottle. When my brother asked me if I realized this wine was $160, I said, I know. But my results were negative so I am celebrating. So he asked me what would I do if my results were positive and my Cancer came back.

I said well if my Cancer came back then I would spend at least $300 bottle and go out with a bang.

I didn't drink for about 4 years when I was really sick. I think a combination of the prednisone and my migrane history did not mesh well. About 2 years after surgery I had a few glasses of wine to test the water per say and was surprised that i felt nothing. I seem to have a higher tolerance foe alcohol now but beer still upsets my stomach. Hard liquor seems to be easier on my tummy. I think everyone is different so you have to carefully try alcohol and see how it affects you.
Thanks Toughenough. I am not always that optimistic. Right now I have Pouchitis and am back on the meds Xifaxan. Right now I cannot drink any alcohol. The last drink I had was on June 3rd and have not been feeling myself since near the end of May.

Hopefully, once and for all, the meds work. I do miss my Chianti.

For some reason, Cancer does not scare me. A bowel obstruction does since that almost killed me in 1999. Worst pain ever.

It's real weird, the other day i went out and had like 6-7 beer, and i got a bit drunk, but did not have any bms the whole evening! Just did when i came home 3:30 am, and then slept until 11 am when i went up and had a bm. It all felt like it did before illness! Loads of fun.

But now my bms are very watery, but i feel pretty good, normal amount of bms/day.

Is watery BMS always a bad sign, or can it just be normal if you dont eat too good? I just had some fried spring rolls (lots of fat and vegetables) today.
For me, I never consider watery BMs a bad sign, unless they go on for days on end and there are other pouch symptoms along with it. I might get them for a day, or maybe once a day, or maybe once a week - no rhyme or reason to them, but I rarely give these blips a second thought anymore.

In your case right now, it could easily be the fried spring rolls (anything deep fried does not sit well with me). Give it a day or 2 or 3, see if you get back to your normal.

P.S. Been enjoying wine for quite some time now, with no jpouch issues. My only advice is to not overdo it at one sitting!
I used to get really sick after drinking alcohol. As I went through more schooling I've learned that it all comes down to the science of alcohol consumption. Alcohol causes the release of Angiotensin which starts a cascade of reactions which make your nephrons more permeable to water. This is what people refer to as, "breaking the seal". For the typical person this leads to acute dehydration known as a hangover. The person with the J pouch experiences extreme fatigue, increased motility , nausea and other not so fun symptoms as a result of being more dehydrated than the average person (thanks to losing the absorption abilities of the large intestine). To prevent dehydration water will NOT help. You need to have a diffusion gradient into the cells, if you drink water, you will literally pee it out (or in our case it will come out as excessive amounts of stool). Bottom line, drink gatorade or another beverage with electrolyte replacement (just make sure it doesn't have more than 13% carbohydrate as then it won't be able to absorb into your cells in the simplest form). Give it a try next time you drink, you will most likely feel a lot better!
I have not had a binge night but I did drink three red beers and a couple regular beers while up camping with no I'll effects. Maybe a bit more gas in the morning but it did not last long. It sure was nice to feel like "one of the guys" again! I have since had a few vodka cranberries also and was fine. I am scared to drink enough to get drunk though because I fear sleeping to hard and not waking up to use the loo if needed. I guess you can say that the j pouch turned this 28 year old into a responsible drinker lol

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