Well I'm 2 weeks post takedown and I feel great! About 6 days after surgery I took a fly fishing trip up a rugged canyon in the Bighorn Mt. Range of Wyoming and managed to land a few nice brown trout. This past weekend I also went camping and riding 4 wheelers up in the mountains. I was leery to drink beer with the guys but managed to gulp down 3 with no negative effects! I have ran, jumped and jostled my pouch and to be honest feel the same as when I had my colon! Yesterday I made the 6 hr drive to Denver and only stopped once to use the restroom. Today at 3:15 the staples where my ostomy was were removed and the surgeon said everything looked good. He was a bit surprised when I told him I was only having 2-4 BMs a day and none at night
Now if I can just remember the 10lb rule for the next 4 weeks I'll be good to go. Figured I would share my story to give future pouchers a little encouragement! Well take care all... I'm off to play with my son!

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