My son is 9 and has FAP. Had this surgery done june 27 12. I have a question.
He has developed a bad butt burn and rash due to
His loose stool constantly leaking and they have him on
Diapers since he pass first stool at hospital until he learns to
Control it again. He is on 4x a day imodium 2mg, questran light drinks
twice a day with meals. He has famotidine for heartburn but he rarely
needs this one.Also incorporated benefiber in water n meals. He is
using buttpaste for buttburn and cleaning with water afer each stool.
Seems like it was working for a few days and now it looks like white
in some areas. He has bad itch some days. I dont know what else to use.
Just wanted some input of other ppl who has this and also wanna know
when stool goesback to kinda normal that i can stop he diapers.
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