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Has anyone heard of the Barnett Continent Intestinal Reservoir. It's an appliance free intra abdominal ileostomy. Candidates for the procedure are patients who have failed with j pouches or k pouches. Check out Very interesting. I was going to ask my surgeon about this next time I see her.

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I have had a k pouch (the predecessor of the BCIR) for 33ys and am very happy with it...the Bcir is a modified version of the k pouch, the main difference being that they use a 'living collar' to prevent the valve from slipping or twisting (doesn't always help)...k pouchs/Bcir have less incidence of pouchitis and are great alternatives if you cannot have a j pouch or if you have a failed j pouch for whatever reason. If your anal exit is intact and you can retain your rectum and/or anal cuff then I honestly think that you should try for the j pouch but if it is out of the question the the K pouch/Bcir are feasible.
Both pouches are internal pouches with a valve that leads out to an external stoma throughwhich you insert a tube to empty out your pouch. You can eat most foods other than certain very fiberous ones (pineapple, corn, peas etc and even then you can blend them and eat them puréed). The weak points of both pouches are valve twists, valve slippage, peri-stomal hernias and the pouch slipping off of the wall (had all of them at various times)...
When it works it is a small miracle and gives you an incredible quality of life. When it doesn't it can be very scary).
If you have any more questions then PM me or post in the K pouch section of this forum.

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