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I am a little over a year out from my final surgery. I have a j-pouch. My take down surgery was in March of 2011. I am doing well, but I am unsure about how often I should or need to go back to my surgeon. I have heard some people say they have their pouch opening stretched. I do not recall being told such a thing was necessary, nor do I recall anyone saying anything about follow-up visits. I would appreciate any help or advice you could give. Thanks.
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I am almost 2 years post takedown and I just had my first scope of the pouch done. And he wants to see me back in one year to scope again and then I think I will be on the 2 year plan for scopes. Right after takedown I was dealing with an anal stricture so I was going for follow ups every 3 months. You should have your pouch scoped if you haven't yet...or at least in the near future...and then go for regular scopes. How often would depend on your doctor.
I just went to my check-up last week. I never had a 3 month check back because it was a long drive and I was having no problems (we did it over the phone). I had my take-down in April of 2011 and wanted to wait until summer break to get it done.

They went over my history with me, did a manual exam then gave me 2 fleet enemas and did an internal exam. I didn't know I was going to have this exam and did not prep, but she said that was what the enemas were for. I inserted those, held it for 5 minutes, then emptied. She then did the scope exam. It was uncomfortable, but not horrible. I guess I have irritable pouch syndrome, so that didn't help matters. She took a lot of biopsies, so that hurt a little and hurt for several days after as well as cramping. Not too much bleeding.

She said that everything looked beautiful and if the biopsies came back normal I wouldn't have to come back for 2 years.

Since I was feeling good and the drive to the Cleveland Clinic was so far, I had contemplated not going back. I am glad I did. Every time sometime new would happen I wondered if something was wrong with my pouch. It was reassuring to hear that everything looked good.

So, a long answer and much more information than you asked for, but I hope this helps. Make your appointment and then ask your surgeon what your check-back schedule should be going forward.

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