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I'm just a newbie (only 5 weeks post op) but I always bring 2 bottles of water, a flushing syringe, and a small k basin (any tray will do) plus all necessary supplies. I always flush the tube once while intubating, and then once more after I remove it from the stoma. If possible I also flush the catheter with hot water in the sink. I carry a small can of air freshener, dry off the catherter with TP, give it a quick spray of Fabreeze, and presto, no odor! I promise, it will work like a charm!
Must be me but I am not self conscious about it at all any more..been too many years now for me to care and quite honestly I rince it out in the loo with a squirt bottle, dry it off with paper and shove it into a clean pencil case or makeup bag...every so often I throw out the bag or case and get a fresh bags are my defacto emergency thingy for those impossible to rince days but other than that I don't think that my tubes stink.
I do save those mini perfume bottle samples and keep them in my purse for those smelly emergencies but honestly, no one, not even hubby has ever made a comment about it and he is a fuss-bucket.
I bought a small container with a lid for my catheter, any container will do, kitchen containers, electronic containers, use your imagination. Then I use a pencil holder that is big enough for my container with the catheter, syringe, small cup and patches. Then I'll throw in a cotton ball with something like tea tree oil on it or orange extract oil, etc. to keep it smelling good. Then always have a bottle of water with you to take into the bathroom stall.

I want to try Eric's idea of Frebreeze sprayed on the catheter.
Yep, my cath gets a bit funky after a can soak in the sink with bleach not too strong to be sure it doesn't eat up the cath holes. I just keep in zip lock bag. I like Jasmines idea of pencil case! what about a peice of cotton with a big tea tree oil as that is a natural antiseptic and shouldn't hurt stoma. Try not to worry about it.

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