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The psyllium gives me horrible gas, and Beano just doesnt do it for me. Nothing else works as well as Metamucil no matter how much I try to get away from it. Id also like to just have an even flow in life and not have a surprises here and there. My goal, A Better Quality Of Life. I know it's attinable, I read/see people where I would like to be all the time, I just need to figure out what I need to put together to do that. I understand we are all individual and it all works different, but I'm giving it a good go to make my life better. 12 years and I'm a bit over it. First I try over the counter ideas, then if I'm still unhappy I'll see a doctor and maybe he can give me ideas.

Frequency has been an issue of mine since I got my pouch 12 years ago, I unerstand one/both can help with general maintenance. Nothing has gotten worse or better, I have no problems, no issues, other than the few things I'd like to crub. There's a few things I'd like to make better, stop, or change, I've been posting for a little while with my issues to see if I can knock them out one by one.

I basically just need to know what I'm looking for so I know if they are working or to determine I don't need them. All the reading I've done on here I've come to the conlcusion they are both a good additive to my regimen that may be helpful, if just for basic maintenance.

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