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i was doing fine with the ostomy. i was 100% healthy. i ate everything, anything, whenever, whereever.

now i got this j-pouch 7 weeks ago. how long do i give it? it is so depressing. I cannot empty right sometimes. it burns, itches, spazzes. i have to watch very carefully what i eat, when i eat.

i feel like i have taken steps backwards in my health. i got this pouch to get rid of the disease in my rectum that was left. but maybe i should have requested perma ostomy.

ok... it MIGHT get better in 3-6-12 months. at what cost? how much more pain do i need to suffer in those next months?

did I make the right decision?

when do i decide enough is enough?

maybe i am not meant for this.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's way too soon to be thinking you made a mistake. Your surgeon should have told you it could take up to a year for things to settle down and to know how your pouch function will be. As aggravating as it is, you have to have a lot of patience with this procedure. Some people bounce back fast and others take longer to adjust. In my opinion, you have to give it at least a whole year. Hopefully you won't be waiting that long.
I am very sorry that you are having such a terrible time. You are two weeks ahead of me and I keep hoping your posts will be happier. I did a freelance assignment today. It was physically tough but the pouch was not a problem. My core muscles need a lot more work.
If the ostomy was such a success, why did you switch to a j-pouch? I turned out to be allergic to wafer adhesives so an ostomy was very painful.
I would hate to go back but I respect your frustration and pain. I hope things improve quickly for you.
Absolutely not! It may seem like a million years, but you are only a few weeks out. I had horrible complications, and burning, itching...everything and then, slowly over time (say 6mths) it all got better. Now (5 years in) I live my life like everyone else...maybe even healthier than most...and it's great. My strong suggestion would be to get a bidet seat. I know that sounds weird, but it REALLY saved my life. The warm water and the air drying really does make a HUGE difference...and Nupercanal cream! Take fiber every day as well as immodium and stay away from tons of salad and coffee and tea...just for now, until the pouch gets bigger/better. It will....I'm sure of it. I remember those days well...not fondly! Just hang in there and it WILL be worth it.
thank you so much! you are giving me hope. i will try to push through these next 4-6 months.

I haven't tried Nupercainal cream - I will try that one! I have tried calmoseptine and ILEX. I prefer ILEX over these 2.

maybe like you said the pouch is just small and cranky like a small baby. it doesn't like some types of food, lots of food or liquid and prefers to expel it with great fury! Big Grin

i will keep you posted on my progress. so nice to see everyone a few years out doing so well. i hope to be there one day.

now if i could get my anus to stop throbbing and also adapt, it would make my day.

thanks everyone.
fq thanks for posting - my daughter is due to get the takedown next wednesday and she seems to be ignoring the getting used to it part - I appreciate your comments and those that posted back to you because it gives me more information when she starts (and hey maybe it will be an amazingly quick recovery) freaking out - I can lead her to this thread so she can see.

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