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Well ladies after all the prayers and all the tests and all the bloodwork I had my retrieval this morning. Despite my age (42) we were able to get 7 good size embies! Now I just pray that everything is going ok in the lab. Cant wait to get the call tomorrow afternoon on how they are doing. Hopefully this next two weeks will be a breeze, cause the last 3 years TTC on our own has been stressful. Baby dust to all! If anyone else is in this waiting period I would love to chat!

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Thanks ladies. I heard today that two embies are excellent and two are good so I am excited for Tuesday! The difficult part for me was egg quality due to my age, (and of course scar tissue from colo surgeries)so it looks like we have made it past that part. Now just getting em to my oven and making em stick.
Baby dust to all!
I am starting PGD, so I can try my best at not giving my child FAP. And then doing IVF to get pregnant. I have 2 "water" cysts on my left ovary so we are concerned about flushing the baby out after implantation if they burst. I just turned in my "set up" for the PGD in and hopefully will be getting started with the IVF in Oct. I hope and pray that I have lots of Negative "Pretty" Eggs.

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