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Just wanted to know if anyone has gone from a kpouch to an ostomy and then back to a kpouch.I am also wondering if anyone has there kpouch on there left side.I miss my kpouch i went back to ostomy because of stomal stenosis I wish I never did this I loved my kpouch.I am going back to my surgeon Dr Cohen to see if he will do surgery one more time and another kpouch.
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Hi rockyg,
I don't know whether or not you remember me, but I met you in the hospital hallway when I had my Kock pouch repair surgery last year. Just wanted to let you know I emphasize with you as I had an ileostomy for 27 years before I got my Kock pouch. I'm now on my second Kock pouch, after a total of 5 surgeries. So far everything is working as it should except for tons of excess mucous. Hopefully Dr. Cohen will try to give you a Kock pouch back again. - Dixie
There are definitely a lot of people who go from jpouch to kpouch. I have also heard of people going from kpouch to BCIR and vice versa.

Before I can get a definite "yes" for being a candidate for a kpouch, I'm getting an x-ray to make sure I have enough intestine in case the pouch needed to be removed later on. Maybe ask for that?
Once you go under 2 meters of intestines you face Short gut syndrome. If you have enough left over after surgery you might be ok. Sometimes the reward outs the risk. I was this way when I said I was getting the BCIR since I have FAP and the nurse at MD Anderson threw the book at me about this very subject. I risk losing more small intestine but I wasn't going to live with a bag. It was death I told them or the continent ileo. Hell I even had it in paper on my surgical release, no permanent ostomy was to be done if my mucosa wasn't long enough to make the pouch and leave colon in tact and I was going to find plan b,c,d,e....

So ask about SGS and see if you have enough bowel. Even if you do get SGS there are ways to medically treat it so it has a bandaid on it basically, but there is no cure for it.

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