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Right up to my takedown and for about 2 months afterwards, I came here a lot for information and to see what I was in for. Sometime in May I stopped coming here as things were starting to normalize and I felt better.

I came back recently to post about my experiences, discuss random nonsense and perhaps provide another success story, but now I've noticed something. Ever since I started coming here again, my system's been getting more wonky (technical term) more often. I have a feeling being on this site makes me think to much about the pouch, thus leading it to do goofy stuff.

When I don't think about it, it's almost like it never happened. I go from being a guy with a j pouch to a normal guy who uses the bathroom 3 or 4 times a day. Today especially, I've already gone 3 times and number 4 is creeping up on me, with a lot of gas and very loose stools. So, it's experiment time. I'm going to avoid the site for awhile and see what happens.

If I don't come back, the experiment worked. Wish me luck. I wish you all luck in turn.
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3-4 times a day - awesome!!!! what's your regimen? do u take anti-diarrheals, pain meds, or fiber? stop eating at a certain time of day? do tell please!

i used to think coming on here made my pouch act more wonky too (definitely word in the med books Wink)!! but then i realize it is a big wonker because it's only 3 months old.
I take 2 immodium before breakfast and 2 either right before or right after dinner. No pain meds. I try to eat dinner before 9 pm, but I'm a bit of a night owl so I don't usually go to bed before midnight.

I don't really follow a strict diet or take any fiber. The only other thing I take is a multi vitamin. I will say, it took a bit of time to get here. On a good day, I'll head to the bathroom about 3 times. On a bad day it'll be 5 (had a really bad day a few days ago that had the number up to 6). I know that's normal for most, but not for me.

If you want to know my real secret though, I'm afraid it's something that not everyone can duplicate. As my surgeon discovered, I just have longer small intestines than average. More length = longer transit time = more fluid adsorption = less trips to the bathroom (thankfully, it also equals little to no butt burn).

Things are being a bit wonky today though. Need to let the effects of the probiotics wear off.
If you want to know my real secret though, I'm afraid it's something that not everyone can duplicate. As my surgeon discovered, I just have longer small intestines than average. More length = longer transit time = more fluid adsorption = less trips to the bathroom (thankfully, it also equals little to no butt burn).
If that's the case my small intestines screwed me Frowner
I am genetically built to eat all of the food.

fq: I don't know if this method appeals to you, but here's what I decided to do right from the get go. I decided that this new organ of mine is going to do what I tell it do, not the other way around. It's an uphill climb sometimes, as I'm constantly throwing things at my pouch that most people probably wouldn't advise (my dinner last night was half a large pepperoni pizza and some cherry pepsi). I tend to hold it perhaps more than one normally would simply because I want to stretch this thing out. My goal is to get it to the size of a normal rectum (I don't know if that's an attainable goal, but I'll give it every good reason to expand).

I look at it this way: The human body is a ridiculous machine and is capable of some amazing adaptations, but it needs to have a reason to adapt. I figured if I want my pouch to work to my satisfaction, then I'd better give it a reason to adapt to it's new role. I'm not satisfied with treating it like a poor substitute for my once mighty colon, but rather as my new "colon."

That's just my view on the matter. No doubt it wouldn't work for everybody, but I feel I've got to kick my butt to get my butt in shape (so to speak).
Last edited by Epic Scotsman
Epic, I like your style. Sometimes I think we tend to over-analyze things. When I had my surgery there was not much in the way of internet support, so I pretty much did as you do. I pretended as if things were normal, even if they were not. Eventually, my system settled down and I am what I am, good, bad, or otherwise. Regardless, I got used to it and did not worry about what was "supposed" to be.

Jan Smiler
Epic, wow, I admire your approach and attitude. Show that pouch who's boss!!! Wink i have been kind of opposite and risk-averse by "babying" the pouch, maybe being too cautious and sticking to easily digestible, softer foods. I haven't even ventured into Salad Land or Raw Fruit City !

you will probably adapt faster than most, or at least not deprive yourself in the process. the adaptation period is inevitable so i guess playing it too safe doesn't really speed up the adaptation phase?

that is so cool you have longer intestine! You are 2 months ahead of me in time, but leaps and bounds in pouch function and attitude.

pepperoni pizza and cherry pepsi sounds delicious! you inspired me to try some soda. so i drank half a can of ginger ale and soon after ....Hello Gas Attack! Eeker My j-pouch needs to toughen up already!!!

My goal is to get it to the size of a normal rectum (I don't know if that's an attainable goal, but I'll give it every good reason to expand).

I wonder how big is a j-pouch compared to a rectum??? anyone know?

The human body is a ridiculous machine and is capable of some amazing adaptations, but it needs to have a reason to adapt. I figured if I want my pouch to work to my satisfaction, then I'd better give it a reason to adapt to it's new role.

very interesting.... i guess I don't give my body enough credit and feel like it isn't fast enough or strong enough sometimes.

So as you are throwing things at your j-pouch, how do you manage with the "aftermath"? You don't mind the long toilet visits, butt burn or Uber Wonkiness? I really admire you!
I do that with my BCIR. At first coffee was the enemy. The gas and pain was off the charts. I force fed this pouch coffee daily and now I run the show Wink Some things I avoid for the lack of it not digesting well and being constipated for days.

Same with soda. I drank a can of coke every day for a week and now it doesn't bother me.
fq: The only thing that has ever really wonked things up for me is probiotics. I've tried them on 2 separate occasions and each time I've gone on a round of antibiotics to kill them off again. I know I could just wait it out until the effects wear off, but I'm impatient.

My toilet visits range from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, but the longer ones usually are more due to my reading internet articles on my phone than anything else. Generally things take about 5-10 minutes if I'm focused on the task at hand, otherwise it's just a nice break in the day.

As for butt burn, I don't really have any. I had some last week for exactly 1 bathroom visit, then it was gone. All that extra intestine must soak up all that extra acid.

So now I'm just waiting for this round of antibiotics to but the probiotics I took to rest so things can get back to normal. No more probiotics for me.
I am the same way. I tried that awful VSL and I swore it worked but I was on an antibiotic the same time, tried to transition. 2 weeks into that and Align I had horrible bacteria infections that I had to go back on Omnicef (best antibiotic I use) to be back to my new "normal". Probiotics MESS me up big time. And my stool never smells but on probiotics I swear my whole house smelled like a sewer line exploded.
I truly believe that your personal outlook has a huge effect on
how you adapt to your new J pouch. The "Is your glass half full or
half empty" sort of thing.

If you think positive and stay optomistic you're going to do yourself
a lot more good in the healing process than if you are being constantly
consumed by worry, stress and anxiety.

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