Aren't there studies that show Positive Thinking helps us heal better? And that positive thinking is essential for recovery? Is that scientifically proven?
Heal Thyself Think Positive
But then there is a study that says there are also "Pluses of Pessimism", and that Positive Thinking may not have much of an impact at all?
Can Positive Thinking Be Negative? - The Pluses of Pessimism
This seems counter-intuitive:
"pessimists were less prone to depression than were optimists after experiencing negative life events...The pessimists had likely spent more time bracing themselves mentally for unpleasant possibilities."
Does Positive Thinking Work?
Anyone have any thoughts, experiences, studies on this?
I am not a naturally optimistic person, but if I change the way i think, could i heal or recovery better? or is it that our bodies heal based on nutrition and genetics, and positive thinking does not do much?
or that even pessimism is ok?
[disclaimer: i'm not sure if my sources above are very scientific or not]
