Yesterday I woke up to a clock on the wall but I couldn't figure out what it was as it said "20:14". A recovery nurse said it's after 8 in the evening. I have a new ileostomy on the left side. My surgeon says she had work through a lot of scar tissue - like peeling it off of the hernia mesh and it all over my intestines. I am grateful that she took the time to do it all.
If you have the choice do not have open operations! My first open abdominal surgery was 19 years ago and I had 3 open surgeries in 8 months the end of 2010 & 2011. 2 j-pouch and the last one was the hernia one that required the mesh.
Am I happy? I am happy that she put the stoma where I wanted it as the other options were around my waist. I'm happy the surgery is over with. I thought the medical staff I'd had it the past were tops but Mayo Methodist Hospital medical professionals really are the cream of the crop, top shelf, and excellent. The hospital is state of art but you are only as good as your employees - no matter what your business is. I am happy my local GI sent me to my GI here a year after my j-pouch surgeries. I am happy that I live just 3.5 hours away from Rochester, MN.