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For reasons I don't know my pouch began misbehaving badly on Thursday. Extreme urgency. Very liquid. I assume some kind of bug. 

Managed to stay hydrated as best I could. No chance of talking to or seeing my gastro doctor for weeks. It continued over the weekend in varying degrees.  

This morning I spoke to a doctor in my practice-  not one I know. (We don't get to choose who calls us back. ) she said increase codeine to up to 240mg a day. I usually take far less. 

I know feel wiped out. Tired. Headache from tiredness plus codeine.  

Is increasing dosage right ??? What should I eat ? I'm not feeling or being sick. Just losing it with my pouch. 







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More codeine will help you stay hydrated. If the dose worries you you can start smaller and ease into it. 

Try thickening foods, rice, etc. Bananas for potassium replenishment. Avoid dairy while things are moving so fast. An oral rehydration solution may work better than water.

Pay attention to your urine. If it gets and stays dark, or you're not peeing a few times daily, then you are running behind on fluid. 

I hope you feel better soon!

Last edited by Scott F


Along with everything that Scott said you can add applesauce (sugar-free is best but the sugar won't really hurt may want to try the baby kind...usually it is all natural).

Making a large pot of rice and then drinking the excess water (tastes like crap but it is pure starch and a great thickener).

Dates replenish a lot of trace minerals as well thickening up output. For some reason persimmons too...

Add to the list boiled potatoes with olive oil and salt (really helps with the dehydration too...Full of potassium and sodium)

That's all I've got...oups..Forgot the good old fashioned flat coke.

Feel better soon and don't forget, if you start having sharp pains, spike a high fever or start passing out, head for the ER.


Thank you Scott and Sharon. 

My pouch is only a few months into active life. Take down 9 months ago but I spent almost a month in hospital afterwards with multiple complications.

Just seemed to be settling a bit when this happened.... But at least now I have some good advice from fellow pouchies.  Having had ileus for weeks after takedown I'm wary of meds....but my Stoma was always high output so i battle two sides. 

Doing better this afternoon and taking  your tips on board. 

Pouch seems super sensitive now-  I guess that's not surprising is it? No fever or anything so I'm watching my hydration carefully. 

Thanks for replying. This place is amazing support!!  Busybee 


Thanks once again Scott. It's better than it was but pouch still is misbehaving. Seems really irritated now �� so I guess it'll take time to settle. Hoping to get a call from my colorectal surgeon this week so perhaps he can suggest something too. Seems like a lot of bile... 

I'll get there-  Been through far worse than this as have we all. Thanks for your input. 

You haven't been taking NSAIDs for sonething unrelated to your j-pouch, have you? If so, you need to stop them to see if that is the reason for your gut symptoms. Even if you do not have IBD, NSAIDs are to be suspected whenever you have new and persistent gut symptoms. The fact that you are improved points to a GI bug, so hopefully it is much ado abouth nothing.


Hi Jan, .thanks for your reply. The only med I am on other than codeine for pouch control is lansoprazole 60mg daily. Been on that for years-  controls extreme  stomach acid. When they didn't give it me in hospital at takedown phase that plus extreme stress  on my GI system (multiple complications )  I developed internal bleed-  stomach and duodenal ulcers.  Had it tested since and must remain on them maybe a lower dose later. 

I spoke to a Gp  last week who has sent a stool sample for testing to check for infection. He also asked how often I empty my Stoma bag haha which I gently tried to correct him on. 

Pouch is better than  it was - but nothing like as good as it was. Guess it will take time to settle. Nighttimes are crazy. 

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