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hello All,

in case any newbies are interested and want to know what to possibly expect after takedown, here is where i am at 4.5 weeks after.

i am still going 8-10 times per 24 hour period (including 2-3 times at night). the night time bathroom trips are the most discouraging because i am up regulary at 12:30am and then again at 3:00am. hard to get a good nights rest with that. so most nights i make sure to get to bed early enough to make up for that.

i also have some minor leaking issues (only at night in my sleep) due to the passing of gas. that is a bummer. but, nothing an adult diaper can't handle. i find this to be very annoying, but what can i do. from the posts i read, for most people, the number of trips and even the leaking issues diminish over time (hopefully by 3-6 months out i can say that i am only getting up once a night and i no longer need to wear diapers!). any long timers want to ease my mind and say that this will most likely be the case, please feel free to comment! i am always open to encouragement!!! :O) it is very difficult for me to be patient, but i need to remember i am only 1 month out from takedown. i have a ways to go yet before things really begin to settle.

i also get urges to go that remind me of my time with UC. i am told that these to will pass with time. i hope so, because these urges are annoying. it seems to happen when i have gas in the pouch with the stool. i'll get the urge and then i will stand still, clench my muscles and then 10-15 seconds later, the feeling passes. when the feeling passes, i feel the gas move in the pouch. so maybe it is just gas putting pressure on the rectum making me feel i have to go? not sure. either way, it is annoying. is having a lot of gas in the beginning normal right after takedown? i am now experimenting with digestive enzymes, taking them with my dinner. my system does seem calmer at night since i started this. plus, i stopped taking metamucil at night. this can cause gas too. i also take 2 imodiums in the AM and 2 before bed.

i usually go from 6AM to 2 or even 3 pm w/o a BM. that is my favorite time of the day!! :O) then my system gets active and i'll have 3-4 BMs every hour/2 hours until 7 or 8pm. that is when i get most of the annoying urges i mentioned above.

i have never had butt burn but i have had a couple instances of CRAZY, CRAZY, MADDENING butt itching! if i was to torture someone, this would be what i would do to them! LOL. calmoseptine is my savior in these instances. i also use wet ones wipes that have aloe, vitamin e and witch hazel. i really haven't had the itch in a couple of weeks, so i am thankful for that.

otherwise i feel great! i have good energy and i can't wait to start riding my stationary bike again! i should be cleared to do that and lift heavy objects in another week and a half. my ostomy wound is fully closed and only a small scab remains. i returned to work this past thursday and just look forward to getting into a routine and continuing my life.

hopefully, like i mentioned above, over time my feelings of urgency, trips to the bathroom, and leaking issues will subside. until then, i just need to try and remain patient and be happy with the fact that i am done with these surgeries and well on the road to a new normal. from what i have read on this site, i seem to be in a good space for only 1 month out. i just need to remember this when i am up in the middle of the night :O)

anyway, i hope all is doing well and will touch base again soon.

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I'm about 8 weeks out and you did a very good job describing my symptoms, so if it helps, you're in good company.

I suspect that any irritation comes from seepage - sounds better than leakage. Wipes and barrier cream seem to help. Also an occasional bath.

Not getting a full night of sleep is the worst. I'm up at night too and feel tired because of it.

Good luck on your recovery.
Hey Mark,
You pretty much described what I'm going through at this point also. I think we had our takedown around the exact same time if I remember correctly. The gas pains where you have to clench your b-hole closed for 10-15 seconds, I know exactly what you're talking about. Those are the worst part of this J Pouch for me. They have much improved since week 1 and 2 though, so hopefully that will continue to get better.

My sleep has been awful. I blame myself for part of this though. I'm taking 6 weeks off work (I have one week left off of work) so I have been going to bed way, way too late. I don't usually go to bed till around 3am. I'll usually wake up 2 times to go to the bathroom and the 3rd time is usually when I get out of bed and go about the day. My best part of the day is from after breakfast. I usually only go once from after breakfast till around 4pm, then things start to heat up.

I get the leakage quite a bit when I sleep as well, sometimes I even feel it when I'm awake. My underwear is taking a beating, but I'm hoping this gets better also.

Other than that, I feel great also. I have been going to the gym (ever since the start of week 3-against doctors orders of course) and lifting weights. I know my doctor would slap me silly if I told him this, but this is how I treated all 3 surgeries and I haven't had a problem. I use common sense and don't do anything that could hurt me, although I feel so good now I've started to do a lot more at the gym. I have good energy and a good appetite.

Let me know if you find a miracle cure for your gas pains and I'll do the same. Hope you and I continue to get better together. Cheers to 3-5 dumps a day and one at night and everything will be allright!!!
very similar condition that I'm in nearly 2 months. Though I feel like I've improved a bit over the last few weeks. I was 8-12 at one month. Now I'm 6-10. Night-time hasnt improved too much though. was 4 at one month, now its 3-4.

There is still the demoralizing day every so often that just doesn't go my way. Today was one of those days. I went to eat with my in-laws and they chose Famous Daves- a BBQ restaurant. Feel crappy when you can't get anything BBQ at a BBQ restaurant because it causes you bad butt burn. Also, there isnt anything on the menu without BBQ sauce. Bad, Bad day after my meal there.

The only other main problem I'm having is the demoralizing night leakages. I just seem to wake up one second too late too often. I haven't not had a soiling in several weeks, and its starting to piss me off after the first month it never happened. I don't know why I've regressed in that respect. I have never leaked while awake and have very good control awake.

waking up 4 times a night is no picnic, and waking up to a soiled protective pad and running to the restroom sucks.

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