Hey everyone!
I haven't been on here in a long time but really wanted to write this for other woman who are worried about getting pregnant or experiencing difficulties during pregnancy. Obviously everyone is different and not everyone will have the same results but I've been extremely lucky. I havent had any issues with my jpouch and I was able to get pregnant without difficulty. I do have to be careful with my fluid intake because too much for me gives me watery stool and makes me dehydrated. I decided to go with a c section only because im so small and dont want to risk tearing or having to deal with inconsistency. I feel like this is the best choice for me after all I've gone through to get to this point of my life health wise. My c section is scheduled for march 11th and Im so excited to meet my first baby! I really hope I will be able to breastfeed but know it might not work since my pouch cant handle to much fluids. Did anyone else have trouble breastfeeding because of not being able to drink a lot?
Good luck to all of you that are pregnant or are wanting to get pregnant!
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