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Well, I just spoke to the surgeon that did the scope. He is going to try to expedite a dialation. I told him i read that they do in stages and he said they dont but they could...i thought that sounded different from what ive read that they do stages...he said there be perforation so i can request stages. He also said if they get in there and cant do dialtion then they may have to do surgery.

We are going on vacation in a month and im not comfortable traveling where we are going with limited doctors for this issue. He says he thinks I may have crohns....he said if he had to put money on it, that what he thinks. He said where my 2mm stricture is makes him suspicious that it is crohns.  The surgeon that did my surgery and the surgeon that did a scope a few years ago said no crohns but he said it can show up later. He has also ordered a CT scan that will see if I have more strictures. Sounds stressful. He said no pouchitis. I hate this. I get extra stressed....he said these issues are common.  Any feedback?

I did have a blockage 17 years ago, right after my takedown, that resulted in surgery. They said I had like a "rubber band".....,so maybe crohns. Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.

I need advise bc I know I'm overreacting....lots of people have crohns and it's manageable

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