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It has been forever since I have posted on this site (10+ years?!). I'm actually grateful to have a question for the pregnancy forum after going through infertility and a successful round of IVF. My j-pouch surgery was almost 13 years ago and I have been pretty lucky with very few complications. I always dreaded being pregnant because from the time I had the surgery when I was 21, I feared pregnancy would bring back discomfort and some of the increased frequency and urgency experienced when I had UC.

Well...I've had a pretty great pregnancy so far with no major complications until about a week or two ago. Now I am having rectal pain and burning after a bowel movement, sometimes urgency but then I don't really have to go although this is less of a problem. It seems like this could be which would make sense but I'm not sure given the history with UC and the other issues that can go along with the j-pouch. It also doesn't feel like pouchitis to me but it has been a very long time since I've had it. I've been trying pads with witch hazel and wet wipe type toilet paper but those don't really seem to help. Anyone else been through this and have advice?
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Yes, meant hemorrhoids, thanks. Was bedtime when i wrote original post.

The pain was almost unbearable...needing to go lie down and was persisting for up to 1/2 hour afterwards so I figured it wasn't just run of the mill hemorrhoids. But I started taking Zantac yesterday for acid reflux, and I don't know if it's related, but the burning, itching and discomfort have subsided for now. I hope this continues!

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