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Hi all,

I'm exactly 14 days post-takedown (had the 3-step) and can barely get out of bed. I'm not getting much support from my doctors so I thought I would try to tap the collective wisdom of the Forum. In short, it feels like I am back to my UC days (I still have 1-2cm of rectal cuff remaining). My symptoms are as follows:

- Frequent rectal spasms (like there is a grip around my rectum and "insides" that is squeezing, will let up for a few seconds and then start again.) Debilitating - the #1 cause of discomfort and primarily symptom preventing me from walking around for more than a few minutes at a time. It also gets worse during a BM.

- A constant pressure in my rectum. I feel like I have to always have a BM.

- 12-15 BM per day, worse at night, primarily liquidy with the occasional occurrence of diarrhea-like BMs. BM very difficult and require a lot of strain - typically involuntary strain.

- Urination is very difficult (due to inflammation?)

- Frequent nausea after eating and BMs.

- Blood in my stool - this could be due to a hemorrhoid (which I've confirmed I have)

I'm on 10mg of Percocet every 4 hours, which seems to calm the rectal spasms, and am also taking 1tsp of Metamucil twice per day. I've struggled to stay hydrated, but have started using Nuun electrolyte replacements plus other liquids like coconut water, tea and organic juices. I've been lurking here for a while, and it seems like everyone's experience is different. I just want to make sure these symptoms are normal and not suggestive of something more serious. My doctor basically won't see me until at least 3 weeks post-takedown, which of course is super frustrating.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
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You are still very early on in your recovery. Two weeks post op I was wondering how in the heck will I ever be able to leave my house! It does get better. As they say on this site take it one day at a time and I found that to be great advice. I had the peeing issues too , I even went to the emergency room once because I thought I needed to be cathed cuz I couldn't pee. Once things settled down for me I peed just fine. Every once in awhile if I have a flare I will have that same problem but it is far and few inbetween now. Keep asking questions, this site was a lifesaver for me
Yeah I would suggest keeping a positive attitude and having a little patience. It is very early in your recovery process. I am about 8 weeks post take down and I was definitely freaking out like you at every little thing that i felt was abnormal. The problem is when you are a new JPoucher you don't know what normal is and that's why its great to be a member at this site. I have experienced most of the things you are saying you are experiencing around that same time. Its all a learning experience on your diet and how to control what might feel like a BM but possibly gas and being able to hold it for a little while sometimes before rushing right to the bathroom. It is all very uncomfortable and you feel like "man this suck gimme that bag back that was hanging off my belly". I promise it with get better like I said with a little positivity and patience. I can already see the difference from my 2 week mark until now. Keep your head up and know how much better you are going to feel as the weeks go by.
Hi Prairigirl,sorry I don,t know your name.
John from Australia.When I had my pouch done over 30+ years ago I had the feeling of wanting a bm every few minutes and was told by the surgeon to try and hold it in a bit longer each time. I did this and it worked for me.This educates ,is this the right word the area around the pouch to being used again and yes it did take a while but I perseverd and it worked out ok.
It may also help if you keep a food diary of everything you eat and that means everthing so you can work out what foods like your pouch so to speak.
I found out it also helped it if I found something to do to take my mind off how my pouch was behaving also.
With the benefit of Hindsight I don,t think I could have lived the life I have had if I had not had a pouch done and put up with Chronic U/C for years.
Hope you find this info usefull,at least you have someone to ask ,I was one of the first pouch ops in Australia and it was a great learning experience by myself.
Best Regards from Australia and please feel free to contact me if you need more support.
pm message me if you like.

Everyone else has already covered the it's too early to worry part of things. As far as peeing, two things. First, rectal spasms can make it hard because those nerves are all closely tied together and it seems when the anal nerves and all are irritated that it's hard to pee. Also, 10 mg of Percocet every 4 hours will make it hard to pee. Once you can back off it will get easier. Try to stick it out. It can take a while to get to where you want to be.

I'm a Sinai girl too!

I had the straining thing too. I was told this is normal. I did/do have a stricture and the bottom opening of the pouch - have your Doctor's checked you for this?

The constant pressure does get better, but again I would get checked for a stricture because this is a common symptom.

The number of BM's is also normal. I was at 20+ and my Dr put me on Lomotil with a boost of Codeine at night. Even with that, I was 16-20 times per day until the last week. It has come down to 13 or so per day. I am 1 month post-op.

I have and occasionally still have trouble with urination. It is worse when things are irritated - when I have many BMs in a row with lots of straining.

I didn't have any nausea, but if you do have a stricture, that means the poop can't get out, and it is backing up the whole system. That could cause the nausea.

Blood is unusual unless caused from the hemmie.

There are other meds they can give you for the spasms - ask your surgeon.

Make an appt to see the surgeon and have them check you for the stricture. They can stretch you there in the office - I've had it done twice and expect to have another done at my appt tmw. It hurts like hell, but I feel so much better afterward.

Good luck!
Small world mom2panda!

I've never considered that it might be a stricture. It definitely feels like everything is "backed up" so to speak, which as you said could explain the pressure and nausea. And good to know there are other meds for the spasms - right now I'm taking Percocet, which certainly helps calm them, but obviously may have other unintended side effects.


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