My daughter came to me tonight after dinner and told me she's been worried about her stomach. I knew she was having intestinal problems lately but I thought she ate something bad or had a stomach bug. She was house sitting last weekend and spent two days vomiting and was having diarrhea and had belly pain. Tonight she sat me down to talk to me about it, she said it's been happening a lot longer but didn't want to worry me. When I asked her if she ever saw mucous or blood in her stool she said she frequently saw mucous and has seen blood only 3 or 4 times. She said the blood was on the outside of the stool mixed in with the mucous. That really sounds like my years of UC and I'm a little freaked out. She said she has had cramping that sometimes she has trouble holding and getting to a bathroom in time, and even when she gets to a bathroom it feels like she has to keep going even when nothing comes out but small amounts of diarrhea and mucous. Should she go see of GI even though she's only seen a small amount of blood?
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