So just curious if anyone else has experienced massive ovarian cysts with the j-pouch? Ive always been told by my OB that I have heavy cysting every cycle and there is nothing they can do about it except put me on the pill. Which Im not really cool with. I dont take pills anymore. Unless for absolutly killer pain.
Well this is what was happening to me. I was getting the most painful stabbing pains. It was becoming more often and happening right after my cycle, not just before. Like it had always been. So finally my gastro doc found a OB that would even take me as a patient. Within one visit he said I have a very large ovarian cyst on my left ovary. I went in for a ultrasound and found out a week later it is a 14cm(5.511in) complex ovarian cyst. Its made up of hard mass and liquid sections. They said its very complex and has to come out asap. Now Im just doing the waiting game. Because of the complexity of the cyst and my preexisting abdominal surgeries. The surgery has to be performed by a OB oncoligist. While the surgery is being done they are also going to do a lymph node biopsy and check a small growth on my left kidney. I really never throught ovarian cancer would to be something I would have to concern myself with. But the more and more I read. Its very posible.
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