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I am 11 days post stage 1 of 2 stage pouch surgery.  So I have a diverting ileo, which is another question. But, my MAIN question is -- did anyone else have multiple time a day emptying of their pouch this early?  I am female (not sure if it is different for males) and almost every time I urinate, I release my pouch.  I can't I mean too, but after some urinary retention issues I kinda have to push to empty my bladder.  


The pouch contents seems like tarry stool with streaks of blood.  Over the course of the past few days it has gotten lighter but is always a fairly significant amount (like 1/4 to 1/2 c) which is more then what I was initially told which was 'occasional mucous'.  So, is this good?  My tush is getting a bit raw -- is the distal loop getting some stuff in it which is traveling down to my pouch?  Anyone with similar experiences?


Second -- the skin around my ostomy is killing me.  Should I just change the wafer every day and resdress it?  I have no local ostomy nurse.  Mine is 1 1/2hr away.  The skin isn't bleeding just about 1/4 inch circle around the ostomy itself.  I was changed to a convex wafer, switched to an Eakin Ring, use the powder and spray.  My stoma is between 1 1/4" and 1 1/8" with a 2 1/2' flange so the supid thing just hits the edge of my belly button so the tape border had to go into my belly button.  I leaked two days ago in the area at night.  (POOP-mergency!!)  So -- I am just not sure what else I should do...


Thanks for the help!

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Hi thumprhare, I can't address your pouch release issues, but I can address the ones that you wrote about in your last paragraph......

My ostomy nurse is based out of the hospital where I had my surgery - over an hour away and not easy to get to. I also had the "ring of fire" that you have. I took a photo of my stoma and e-mailed it to her. Based on what she saw, she determined that it was skin corrosion from leakage under my ring. So I used the powder and skin prep wipes (you can use spray, same thing just different delivery system) on the red skin around my stoma THREE TIMES. Make sure you end with the spray, NOT the powder, or else the ring or flange won't stick to your skin. This helped to clear it up within a week. Also, if you havent already, you might want to try a two piece system. Because the flange goes on first before you snap the bag onto it, you can angle the flange on your skin differently. For instance, instead of putting it on so it looks like a square, turn it so it looks like a diamond. You might be able to avoid the dipping of your belly button and get a better adhesion. You can call the company where you get your supplies and ask for free samples....

You said you leaked in the middle of the night. Does the skin around the stoma dip at all, like a valley as opposed to a hill? If so, you can use something called stomadhesive paste to fill the space in, allowing the eakin ring to sit flatter around your stoma. I had this and the skin dip evened out once my swollen belly went down. Sorry for all this info, I just remember after my first surgery being overwhelmed because everything was new. Sometimes the smallest changes with the appliance provide the most relief. It'll get better!

Last edited by Lambiepie

Thanks for the reply.  I do use a two piece system, and I am turning to a diamond shape.  Sorry, I guess I should have put that in there.  At this point, I have to make it a diamond shape then make a little snip of the tape, squash the ring at the place my belly button start and lay the tape in my belly button.  This morning, my husband and I remeasured, got 1 1/8" so cut to fit.  We put the Eakin in, after the crusting and all that jazz.  I noticed that I think I may be having a reaction to the adhesive too.  I have a red square - just a little tender.  Anyone think this is normal adjustment?  I know there are tapeless systems, but I don't really get how they work.  I have been wearing a belt anyway -- and when that is uncomfortable put my ostomy secrets belt thing one which actually feels pretty good.  


I could have sworn my nurse gave a 2 1/4" flange but it had smaller tape barrier around it, but I can't find it anywhere from Hollister, and the coloplast stuff looks nothing like it.  


Thanks for the triple layer crust hint.  I will give that a shot.  I guess at this point I will just change it when it hurts.  I use the Hollister stuff, is that what most people use?  I wonder if there is something better if you have sensitive skin?  Again, I guess this could be normal skin adjustment.


Good to know it has a name.  "The ring of fire" because that is what it feels like.  And yes it is overwhelming...

Haha, I just called it a ring of fire because that's what it feels like! I use Hollister products, too. Maybe you can speak to them and see if they have any suggestions. I have sensitive skin, too, and have the red square, but I think it's just from removing the flange. It feels ok once the appliance is on. I'm looking for some kind of belt. Do you like the one from Ostomy Secrets?

I may go ahead and call Hollister as you suggest.  The first time they called they recommended the diamond which worked some better.  Tonight it leaked in that same belly button area.  I don't know what I am going to do.  If I change the flange every day or so (when the skin hurts) to get the skin healed then have a belly button leak I am going to burn through my supplies. 


The ostomy secrets belt is good, my only experience.  The "intimate moments' (giggle/snort) is actually the most comfortable material.  I got a regular one too, but I may a) got it too small or b) am still too close post op to appreciate it.  I think I got the vixen one which sleeps well.  I thought I sized by the chart but needs to double check.


My ring of fire is upset tonight!.....Talk to you soon.

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