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I had a one step revision done at Cleveland ten days ago. Today, I started getting periodic intense cramps in my upper stomach. THey come every few minutes and are very sharp for about ten seconds. Im going to the bathroom well and nothing else is of concern. Im just very concerned about this upper stomach pain. The pain is internal, not external. Any ideas? Thanks, Joe
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If it is not yet a full blown obstruction, walk, walk, walk....slow and steady...bounce up and down lightly on your toes and rock back and forth gently on your feet...anything that shakes up the intenstines may help to ease the kink (if it is a kink)....
Keep to a liquid diet, tea, broth, juices, grape juice is very good if it is a blockage due to something you ate...
If when you eat or drink you start to vomit immediately then run, do not walk to the nearest ER (that may help to dislodge the blockage too!)...
I also found that a heating pad helped me a bit both under myback and on my tummy....

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