Hello, I've been living with UC for 18 years(since I was 10), and finally(and reluctantly) had the j pouch surgery. It's been about a year since takedown now, and maybe a couple times every several weeks I notice blood in my stools. Maybe a total of 6-8 times in the past year. It usually only happens once, then not again for awhile. It is sometimes accompanied by a bloated feeling or a slight discomfort/cramping. I was treated as if it were pouchitius 4 or so months ago, and a flex-sig scope showed a "canker sore" type ulceration that was believed to be nothing, and likely the cause of my bleeding.
It seems to be a significant amount of blood, though nowhere near the amounts I've experienced with UC. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I keep thinking I should call the doctor, but the next day I'm fine, and don't have any more problems for several weeks. Thanks guys!
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