I am having some issues not necessarily caused by the takedown but related to the takedown and was hoping that maybe someone can give some recommendations.
Similar to the thread before this w/ the 2 wk post takedown I was in the hospital for 2 nights, and the bm's have increased from 4 or 5 a day when in the hospital to 10-12. Here in lies my problem. When I was having the initial bm's in the hospital they were very watery and loose. Unfortunately i never used the calmoseptine until 4 days after my surgery.
In the mean time my backside had become very raw and sore and unbeknownced to me a small hemorrhoid has become bothersome as well as small tears in the anal opening.
Fast forward a few days and I went to my family doc who prescribed lidocaine ointment and proctosol cream. This is my third day with the ointments and still no relief. The only med that is giving relief is oxycodone that was prescribed due to the surgery.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my misery and I look forward to your comments and recommendations thanks