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I am having some issues not necessarily caused by the takedown but related to the takedown and was hoping that maybe someone can give some recommendations. 

Similar to the thread before this w/ the 2 wk post takedown I was in the hospital for 2 nights, and the bm's have increased from 4 or 5 a day when in the hospital to 10-12. Here in lies my problem. When I was having the initial bm's in the hospital they were very watery and loose. Unfortunately i never used the calmoseptine until 4 days after my surgery. 

In the mean time my backside had become very raw and sore and unbeknownced to me a small hemorrhoid has become bothersome as well as small tears in the anal opening. 

Fast forward a few days and I went to my family doc who prescribed lidocaine ointment and proctosol cream. This is my third day with the ointments and still no relief. The only med that is giving relief is oxycodone that was prescribed due to the surgery. 

Thank you for taking the time to read about my misery and I look forward to your comments and recommendations thanks 

Last edited by taeck
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Sounds similar to my issues... Oxycodone Rx for post-op pain has helped with my anal fissure pain but I have to limit myself to 1-2 per day for fear of getting addicted... I only use it when I'm going to be going somewhere so that the spasms don't hit me as intensely or as often. Hopefully, someone here will have some sage advice for both of us!

Luckily, you still have the oxycodone. I was still in pain after week 3 and they offered tramodol. I was like no really, I need something stronger especially at night when it really hurts, but no help. So I just cried myself to sleep. But, there is hope. I am now at week 6 day 2, and last night was the best since I had the ileo. Only got up twice to have a vm, and it was actually formed, which I haven't had in 2 years. So it does get better. Just use wipes, a shower or washcloth or spray bottle with warm water to clean the bottom. I was so bad even the desitin burned. So I was like this is not fair. I was still feeling this way 2 days ago. So tired of going to bathroom 30 times a day. So tired of wearing a pad, because if I didn't I would go through 8 pr of underwear a day. And then, halleluia finally progress. Just do your best and eventually it will get better. Hope this helps. 


Seeing the words it will get better give me such motivation and positive thoughts about the future with this crazy disease/procedure that we have all had done. Thank you

Infact today was exactly 2wks and a day since I was released. I am actually feeling half way normal. I haven't taken oxycodone in 24 plus hours and had 3 square meals. 

The fissures and hemorrhoid actually feel like they may be healing. Not sure if it has anything to do with it but I began soaking in the tub 3 or 4 times a day plus the ointments. 

I am glad your night last night was good and hopefully tonight's will be better. 

Cheers. Tom. 

Regarding keeping the bottom clean... I've found saline wound wash spray that is great. I take it with me when I'm out, spraying it on tp and it helps it feel less like sandpaper. At home too, but spray straight on the area. It is a bit expensive, though. I've been trying to think of a solution. A conventional squirt bottle doesn't hit the right angle and a spray bottle is either too misty or too sharp a stream...

Hi, Mamaswans. I use a Brondell bidet. Its a squirt bottle. It has an angled nozzle that lets the stream of water clean the right areas. And you control the temperature of the water, hot or cool. it is very easy and comfortable to use. It has an air-lock button on the bottom so that water always comes out no matter what angle you hold the bottle, upside down, sideways. It is available in specialty stores, but costs less on Amazon, around $14. I have seen them for $30.  I started using this since my reversal in April and I don't know how I ever got along with only toilet paper! 

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