Hi, just an update on my thyroid cancer treatment which may be of interest to any J Poucher stricken with papillary thyroid cancer.
So as I write this I am quite radioactive due to imbibing radioactive iodine this morning. I arrived at the Smilow Cancer Center at Yale New Haven Hospital at around 9:45 am. this morning. With the radiologist’s blessing I preemptively popped an anti-nausea pill called Zofran at 9:55 a.m. I ended up drinking a 150 millicurie dosage of radioactive iodine in liquid form at 10:15 a.m. They elected to give me the liquid rather than the usual pill format because I do not have a colon and have possible gastrointestinal absorption issues with pills. The liquid iodine is served in a small lead canister, totally enclosed, with a thin sipping straw sticking out. I had to drink a small quantity as it is very highly concentrated - 3 millileters, and including the saline flush probably less than a 1/4 cup of total liquid was consumed. It tasted like salt water, and though not pleasant was certainly not undrinkable, especially such a small amount.
After the radioactive iodine was consumed I was permitted to flush this down with water. There were 3 radiologists as well as a radiation safety specialist present throughout the procedure. After the consumption of the liquid was complete, the radiation safety specialist took out a geiger counter like device and while at a 3 foot distance, scanned my body with it for a radiation reading. My radiation level was off the charts, especially in my neck. I was then discharged to go home. So far I feel fine, although I am expecting that could change as the day wears on and possibly by tomorrow morning. I am ready for all of that. I was again told to suck on sour hard candy every hour starting tomorrow morning, in order to stimulate salivation and get the radiation out of my salivary glands, which is where the radiation will concentrate. i have a bag of Warheads (the pucker party pack), sugar free Jolly Ranchers and lemon drops to add some variety. The Warheads are great and really get the salivary glands going. I was also told to drink water constantly and that most of the radiation will be out of my body by Saturday morning. I am allowed to go out to the gym Saturday if I wish. I can return to work Monday, but I am in complete isolation at my condo until Saturday morning per orders of the radiation safety specialist. I live alone so this isn't a problem.
I intend to watch the Republican candidate debate tonight for entertainment purposes only. Hoping everything will go okay and no damage to my salivary glands, but we shall see.