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Reply to "thrombosed hemorrhoid"

I'm sorry you're going through this, Tom. It sounds like that may have been a big part of the problem all along. Frowner And it sounds like maybe it has become a vicious cycle with the J-pouch stuff making the hemmie worse and making it more difficult for it to heal.

I do remember that in my UC days when I had them more frequently the really annoying part was it made me feel like I had to go all the time when really there was nothing there... but the straining made the hemmie worse and the hemmie made me want to strain more. (Do you ever bear down or strain while on the loo? If so, try not to because I know that only makes the hemorrhoid worse...)

But my hemmies back in the day were always pretty minor, and I haven't had my takedown yet, so I really can't offer any help on this topic. But just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way. I hope it dies down soon so you can get some relief. I have been following your story and am just waiting for the day when you're finally able to say that things are getting better.
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