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The impact of COVID-19 on the pouch?

Hi. I unfortunately got COVID, but I guess some people tell me I am lucky it took me 4.5 years to finally get it. I don't know if lucky is the word I'd use...

It has been pretty horrendous and 7 days later even though the fever is gone and the body aches have passed and the cough is much less -- and I finally don't need OTC meds to be in this state -- I still feel incredibly weak and I'm still testing very positive for the virus and I can barely sleep and my appetite is terrible. I have lost 10 pounds in 7 days and it's not good.

And of course, I am worried it will come for my pouch. So far it's been quiet but COVID is a little terrorist and seems to like hitting new body systems by surprise attack, just to keep you on edge. And then when you get better you still have to keep looking over your shoulder forever. The inflammatory response seems to just move through me like a creeping fog. (My body also has this weird sensation, almost a cooling feeling, and a weird taste in my mouth that actually reminds me uncannily of how I felt after being discharged from a UC flare hospital trip on 60 mg/day of prednisone. I'm not on prednisone at all, though, and vow never to be unless I'm literally dying.)

Has anyone had pouchitis issues after having covid that stopped responding to the usual things that took care of it? Did anybody have Crohns-in-the-pouch emerge after having COVID-19? Any other issues come up that you think might have been related to having COVID but otherwise everything had been under control before? Did you end up with long-COVID and wonder if it's because of your overactive immune system?

I asked my doctor about taking Paxlovid but she did not want to give it to me unless I was a lot sicker, or old, or with pre-existing respiratory issues, because the diarrhea caused by Paxlovid might be very harmful to me.

I tried really really really really hard not to get COVID because I knew it would put me in this spot but here we are. Can't run from it forever I guess.

Last edited by OscarThePouch
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