Hope you are feeling better now? I’ve had my Jpouch for 28 years. It was rough at first , highs & lows but on an even keel now. Take 8-12 Pepto Bismol tablets per day. Use Preparation H , there’s one with Lidocaine as a barrier & pain relief. Eat white foods, rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, chicken, turkey, tuna, eggs sand an occasional steak & burgers. Some cheeses with Lactate.
Anti anxiety meds help. I have arthritis in my hands so I take *r*ma*ol. It has an effect on your mood also which helps.
Take lots of vitamins including iron to supplement my poor diet.
Life is good for the most part. I’d hate to miss anything, FOMO, so I carry on through the tough times. Being outside away from the noise helps too.
This is a good time to work from home with the internet.
There are some benefits you may be able to receive from the gov.
Happy Holidays!