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Reply to "Prostate Cancer Found in My J-Pouch!"

Just an update—I had the pouch excision/Barbie butt/permanent end ileo surgery two weeks ago. The procedure was performed at CC Main Campus; we live in Virginia. I have three words—“I am happy.”

The surgery was a beast as everyone who has experienced it will attest. I went in strong and healthy, with the exception of the known presence of prostate cancer in my pouch. I was told afterwards that I had had very few hiccups given the complexities and opportunities for set-backs. I lost a liter of blood in surgery so two transfusions were ordered during recovery. I woke up with an NG tube that stayed in place over a week—nothing but ice chips that entire time. Everything was uncomfortable but the nurses were great. I was tied down with IV lines on both arms, the NG tube, the JP drain, the Foley catheter,  the ridiculously heavy Telemetry battery box running wires to my chest, the new stoma and pouch, plus the clot stockings. Having a roommate made it all the more difficult with double the nurse interruptions and visitation noise. I didn’t even turn on my TV the first week. I checked in Monday morning January 29 and was released Wednesday February 7.

Today, at home, I am still taking Tylenol and Oxy as needed for pain—primarily overnight, but the ab muscles are extremely sore. A Home Nurse is scheduled today to remove the 20-something staples. I am walking more and feeling good.

Back to my statement “I am happy.” Being on this side of the surgery and reflecting on it all, I must say I like my stoma. I lIke how easy it is to manage versus the trials and tribulations of my j-pouch. Of course, I’m retired now and don’t have the stress of getting ready for work while still recovering as before. Life is good. I have a voracious appetite and have eaten foods I have not touched since pre pouch.

I’ll update more later. The Barbie butt is weird but what a huge, positive difference it will make.


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