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Hi everybody,

Iv recently been in out of hospital this year with what the doctors suspect is my gallbladder as from previous cats I have bilory colic so small stones getting stuck in the bile duct! My pain has been on the left side mainly then through to my stomach up under my ribs through to my back and I have experienced a fast heart rate and pressure all under my ribs in my chest. After my surgeons agreeing to remove the gallbladder I have had this operation cancelled 3 times because of other emergency on the ward, this is understanding but since not having it out I have been admitted for a bowl infection my jpouch is fine but my bowl behind is enlarged and inflamed I have been in so much pain, what I want to know is if anybody else has gone through similar I'm so scared that there missing something thinking it's my gallbladder when actually it my small bowl or is this happening because my gallbladder is playing up? Any advise or similar experiences I'd be so greatful feeling depressed now and know one to talk to regarding my worries.

Thank you han

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