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Reply to "Pancreatitis anyone"

Bethie, I didn't see how old your daughter is, but I was 15 when I had my first surgery for UC...a hard age to have to go thru all of it but so worth it. The prednisone I was on for so long basically delayed puberty for me so I was behind everyone else as far as maturing. My mom was pretty strict with my diet and but once in a while she would let me just cut loose a little bit...she could see my frustration. The more she can alter her diet now, the better...greasy food makes the pancreatitis worse. Good for her on the fluids...KathySmith recommended to me Vitalyte a couple of weeks ago to keep our electolytes up...the grape and orange are pretty good and there's no sugar in it like Gatorade. I drink a 32 ounce cup of the stuff on the way to work each morning and then another one throughout the afternoon...can't believe how much better I feel. Has your daughter had her surgeries yet?
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