.... Has been escaping me the last two to three weeks.
I have no trouble falling asleep and getting at least three hours. But after that I start getting urges that wake me and continue the rest of the night.
I work afternoons... Thank goodness... No way could I do this with an early shift.
Sometimes it's just urges like this morning. Sometimes I just have to go and after laying back down its just an intense burn that keeps me from falling back asleep. I used lidocream for the first time this morning.... Whoo... Burns but that subsides and it does numb it to get another hour and a half sleep until urges come up again. So I just got up before I woke my wife up getting up and down.
This has all just started. I was sleeping through the night just fine.
Nope.. No infections or anything wrong with my pouch.. Other than that it just does not work. But the no sleep after awhile just got ets to you..... To the point you don't want to go to bed because you know what's going to happen.
Been predictable lately.
I think it's just a cycle I am going through.
I was emptying before bed for a long time but this has not been the norm lately. It seems to wait till 4-5 in the morning.
I don't get in bed until 2-3 am.
Oh well... Just thought I would throw this out for weekend reading and maybe get some thoughts from others how they are doing if staying home this weekend.
For those who are vacationing this weekend... Have fun.
I am vacationing at home. Not because of this... I was planning on just staying home... I am sure the grandkids will be over to take my mind off everything... Lol.
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