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Reply to "Number of Daily BMs"

I tried Immodium in the past but only a very long time ago.  I vividly recall that it never worked well.  I found it difficult to regulate my digestive system and I believe it caused me to have several smaller BMs (hence l, the straining I see posted above).  I just couldn't get into a routine to empty my pouch.  It ended up causing more inconsistency in that I would bind up and then struggle etc.

It seems a lot of days I am somewhat regulated with my output.  The Codeine is definitely a huge part of that.  Not sure what role the Simponi plays.

I was traveling yesterday got home and ate quite late (8:30ish).  So I went to bed with a fair bit of food in my stomach.  I ended up waking up at 2am and 5am for decent sized BMs.  Then couldn't fall back asleep and another one at 6am.   Now, if I get up, take my Codeine on an empty stomach and have my standard bowl of oatmeal with fruit, I'll likely be BM free until mid or late afternoon. From when the next one starts I'll likely have 3 or 4 more before midnight.  Now that's an optimal day for me with a bit of a busy start...

That all said, if I go to bed on a full or semi-full stomach and I am really tired or take a muscle relaxant or some type of sleep aid (in other words I sleep really deeply),  I may wakeup too late if you know what I mean.  This doesn't happen often but certainly can and will.  It seems that this type of thing tends to happen in streaks, maybe 2 or 3 nights in a row but only once every month or two.

Last edited by capper
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