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Number of Daily BMs

I searched this topic on the forum and there wasn't much on it recently so here goes...

I have had my j-pouch for almost 23 years.  I have been on 360mg of Codeine daily for almost that whole time.  I started on the Codeine about 6 months after my pouch surgery and have been on it since.  I'm on my 4th or 5th biologic (Simponi at present).  I recently started recording my BMs.  I average 6-8 in every 24-hour period.  Should I be content with that?  I am very curious to know how other j-pouchers do in regards to the number of BMs per day.  I really would like to know where I stand.  I believe I was told I could expect 3-6 per day in an optimal situation.  Once again, I take a lot of Codeine daily.  Without it, I am quite sure that BM number would go way way up.  That's not really an option as I am dependent on it.  I have no idea if and / or how much the Simponi is helping.

The last MRI and scopes I had done were showing some inflammation in parts of my small intestine and near the rectum, but limited.

My GI suggests I stay on Simponi for now because if I take a break from it, there is very little chance it will work again (if it is n fact doing anything to help me) in the future.

The Codeine is really the driving force for my tolerable levels of output.  I can't imagine where I would be without it...

My 6-8 daily BMs has been fairly consistent most of the time.  I will try and keep a log for a longer period of time to see if anything changes.

Last edited by capper
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