Debbie--in answer to your questions.... the k requires time because you need to eliminate 6-9 xs daily and I irrigate the pouch almost every time. If I happen to eat I shouldn't have--think anything that doesn't digest, such as mushroom, corm, peas, any insoluble fiber fruit or veggie--or didn't chew well enough then the evacuation process can be more complicated. The ileostomy requires time as need to change the bag and part that attaches to body. I had to deal with problematic skin irritations due to the adhesive, but that's not everybody's problem.
Greater food selection with ileostomy.
The post-surgery recovery from ileostomy is much less time than the K.
While I live in Boston and Maine, and travel to third world countries alone, it doesn't bother me not to be near a K specialist. I understand it would bother others, so on that matter one needs to understand their tolerance.
I still prefer the K to the bag. It is a very personal decision. Sorry a J revision isn't in the cards. Keep us posted after your visit with Dr. Dietz. Peace, Jan