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K-pouch vs. ileostomy vs. current status

Hello K-pouchers,

I have a poorly functioning j-pouch (year 28), which was revised in 2001 by Dr. Fazio.  Over the past few years I have had increasing problems emptying it. I saw Dr. Tracy Hull in Cleveland 1.5 years ago and she figured out that I have an extra chamber in my pouch that makes it hard to empty - she even had trouble flushing it out when I was under anesthesia.  To keep the pouch empty (and to alleviate pressure and burning) I now catheterize with irrigation 4 times/day (using 5-6 syringes of water each bathroom visit).  I also go on my own in between.  This method is effective and I feel substantially better but it's very inconvenient and is impinging on my quality of life.  I also have multiple extra bathroom trips late in the day so I'm not getting enough sleep.  I'm contemplating excising the j-pouch and moving to an end ileostomy or k-pouch.  I"m very frightened of surgery because my initial surgery was completely botched at Stanford.  I'm 67 and do not want to spend the next few years in and out of the hospital so the potential adverse events (valve failure, fistula, nipple problems) with the k-pouch seem a bit daunting.  I'm going to see Dr. Dietz for a consult in 2 weeks and I'd love as much info as possible before I see him. Any input/opinions would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!


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