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J-Pouch ulcers

I have Chron’s and have had a J-pouch since late 2017. I was first put on Remicade and immediately developed antibodies. They switched me to Stelara, which worked for a few years - although my dose was a bit high. I had some ulcers on my pouch, superficial, but there. I was then switched to Skyrizi and the ulcers continued to get a little worse. Then I just finished six months of Rinvoq, and again…not working. The strange thing is that I have ZERO symptoms of pain or urgency or anything. Yet I’m terrified of not getting a handle on these ulcers and my pouch falling apart.

Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone gone thru the amount of biologics I have and Rinvoq with no success? I’ve heard something combo treatments work…But honestly, I’m starting to freak out. I’d really appreciate anyone’s insight and advice.

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