Hi Everyone. I have a problem with my j-pouch getting enflamed and infected when I travel by a vehicle or in a smaller boat. This latest episode happened while I was on a Cruise and I went out in a boat to see humpback whales. I was doing fantastic up to that point! The cruise line offered lots of gluten free options so I was really well. I went on a bus for 1/2 hour and started to feel rawness in my pouch area. Got on the boat and we went out to the whales 🐳 and although I was suffering a bit I was able to enjoy seeing them. However it was a bumpier ride on the return trip and my pain climbed up to 8 out of 10. By the time I took the bus back to the ship I was in a lot of pain. I went and laid down for a while and then when I went to the bathroom I bled alot! Haven’t bled like since I had ulcerative colitis. Any ideas what is going on? Is my pouch moving out of place? I am in so much pain and I saw my Doctor. He upped my amoxicillin and took a blood test. Blood test shows my reactive protein is 10 (previously was 4) and that I have an infection.
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