Fapqueen, i just read this Message thread again and realise it probably doesn't give you a lot of reassurance.
It is a big operation, but not overwhelming. It's usually preferred to have a 2 or 3 step process depending on your situation which makes it a bit easier to cope with.
Early on, your pain will be well managed and your only objective will be getting out off hospital. Once your back at home it will be organising yourself, getting in and out of bed, getting used to bags (if you have an ileo etc) and prob still on pain killers. After about 2 or 3 weeks you will see a big improvement in pain and mobility, and will probably be walking and fending for yourself.
Most people feel able to return to work around the 6 week mark, personally i found standing easier than sitting when i had the ileo because i guess my posture isn't great and the creasing of my middle when sitting encouraged bag leaks, although this was manageable (i just changed the bags more often), im actually converted to jpouch now
If your anything like me, your condition will change weekly, usually improving but my aches pains and twitchings move around. To start my pain was everywhere, then just at surgery site for 2 weeks or so, as of yesterday no surgery sure twitches at all, but much lower down (which has not been a problem before). Assuming it's just part of the process. It didn't stop me going out for the day and it won't stop me going to work today.
Wouldn't wish the operation on anyone, but if you need it don't fear it, you will cope, and being young and informed you will probally cope a lot better than most. It's all new to me and still healing, the past 3 months every week has been different, but usually an improvement. By the time you stop worrying about getting out of hospital etc, the worst is a blur behind you, it's still a long trek but manageable with a few concessions (diet, exercise etc) although 2 months out I'm eating and drinking everything (in moderation) and my exercise isn't restricted besides lifting heavy weights (for another month or so)
The guy's here are brilliant for support and advice too. Good luck